519026 - Bubles - Created by Shulububulush
Recorded times for : 519026 - Bubles
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
kuumba | 15s443 | 3m 52s202 | 36 | 0 | |
jde173901 | 15s551 | 5m 34s317 | 37 | 0 | |
nathnolt5 | 15s612 | 9m 43s723 | 84 | 0 | |
mega marino | 3m 46s410 | 3m 46s410 | 30 | 30 | |
ninoboy66 | 5m 26s009 | 28 | |||
brick_man | 2s557 | 0 |
You need to be connected to comment levels.
Last Levels uploaded by : Shulububulush
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
528014 | 9s355 | 4 6 |
19 | Removed | Very Short1 |
520877 | 48s153 | 3 3 |
24 | Normal42% | Very Short4 |
520866 | 1 0 |
2 | Removed | Very Short4 |
520862 | 0 0 |
7 | Removed | Very Short3 |
520861 | 0 0 |
2 | Removed | Very Short3 |
520751 | 2 2 |
15 | Removed | Very Short1 |
520725 | 45s969 | 2 12 |
37 | Very Hard86% | Very Short2 |
520723 | 9s879 | 2 14 |
49 | Very Hard95% | Very Short1 |
520629 | 33s152 | 4 3 |
20 | Removed | Very Short5 |
520574 | 18s416 | 16 0 |
43 | Very Easy0% | Very Short9 |